Concealed Carry Frequently Asked Questions

Concealed Carry: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) There are always questions that I field when talking with people in my community. Here’s a gigantic list to send to all your friends who always have a question about concealed carry with links and some of my personal favorites. Note: CCL = Concealed Carry License and CCW =…

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Verbal Defense and De-escalation: 3 Methods

Verbal Defense and De-escalation We have talked, some, about situational preparedness in another post. Now, I want to explain a little about some of the things you should try first before even drawing your weapon: verbal defense and de-escalation. Lawyers and law enforcement will tell you: do not draw your weapon unless you mean to…

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What to Do When Pulled Over

What to Do When Pulled Over as a Concealed Carrier? I realize that getting pulled over can stress just about anyone out. But for a concealed carrier, it can be even more stressful because there’s a gun in the vehicle. In fact, being stressed or acting nervous when you are pulled over as a concealed…

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Travel Awareness & the “Gray Man” Concept

Travel Awareness & the “Gray Man” Concept When I did my concealed carry holster training one of the key things I was taught and cautioned was this: people live in three levels of awareness and you should be a gray man. 3 Colors of Situational Awareness 1) Green – this is a level where a…

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When to Use Your CCW in Defense of Others

using your CCW when someone is trying to steal

First, let me remind you guys that I am not a lawyer and these are strictly my personal opinions based on my own morals, training, and interpretation of the law while using my own concealed carry holsters (CCW). This is not intended to be a legal opinion, nor legal advice for you and your CCW,…

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