The Best Concealed Carry Guns of 2024


Why Are These the Best Concealed Carry Guns of 2024? Remember how we put together that big list of the ’50 Best Concealed Carry Guns in 2023‘ last year? Well, after going through all your comments and emails, we’ve compiled an updated list of the Best Concealed Carry Guns of 2024.  Our goal is to…

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Top 9mm Sub-Compact Guns for Concealed Carry

A Comprehensive Guide In today’s uncertain world, personal safety has taken a paramount role in our lives. As individuals, we seek not only protection but also peace of mind. In this pursuit, concealed carry has emerged as a pivotal choice, offering a sense of security for countless people. However, the effectiveness of this choice lies…

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3 Things to Do When You Can’t Carry

Best ammo

More and more often, as I do what “adults” do—I go into places where carrying a firearm is not permitted. I can’t carry it in places like the courthouse, the doctor’s office (one in particular that had a metal detector), the hospital, etc. You know the places I’m talking about. And there are even some…

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7 Things to Keep in Your Gun Range Bag

7 Things to Keep in Your Gun Range Bag Have you ever trekked to the gun range only to discover you forgot something you wish you had brought? Yeah. Me too. Well, here’s a list of things to permanently keep in your gun range bag so that doesn’t happen. (Some are pretty obvious, but just…

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Best Concealed Carry Ammunition

The Best Concealed Carry Self-Defense Ammunition I know that many of you rush to the nearest store when it has a sale on ammo. In fact, I have done it myself. There’s not ever been a time when I’ve heard anyone say, “I have too many bullets.” I’m sure some of the vets out there…

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The Utility of a Second Concealed Carry Weapon

The Utility of a Second Concealed Carry Weapon I’m always writing about how I carry seasonally, well… that’s one of the few reasons why it’s useful to have at least a second concealed carry weapon. Now, I don’t know many people who say, “I DON’T NEED ANOTHER GUN” but here are a few reasons to…

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4 Things to Know When You Conceal Carry a Revolver

How to Conceal Carry a Revolver? As someone who carries a revolver 6-8 months out the year, I’ve learned quite a few things on how to conceal carry a revolver. For me, a .38 special S&W snub-nose is my summer carry (which I’ve talked about several times); technically I carry it during nicer weather because…

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6 Tips to Support the Firearms Community

6 Tips to Support the Firearms Community Unfortunately, there are two very different divisions in society when it comes to firearms, those who are for, and those who are against. With the explosion of social media and the continued tragedies that dominate much of the news cycle, this divide has gotten wider for the firearms…

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Concealed Carry Frequently Asked Questions

Concealed Carry: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) There are always questions that I field when talking with people in my community. Here’s a gigantic list to send to all your friends who always have a question about concealed carry with links and some of my personal favorites. Note: CCL = Concealed Carry License and CCW =…

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Verbal Defense and De-escalation: 3 Methods

Verbal Defense and De-escalation We have talked, some, about situational preparedness in another post. Now, I want to explain a little about some of the things you should try first before even drawing your weapon: verbal defense and de-escalation. Lawyers and law enforcement will tell you: do not draw your weapon unless you mean to…

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