4 Situations You Need Concealed Carry Practice

conceal carry your weapon in parking lots

4 Situations in Which Carrying a Gun can Protect you and Why you need Practice? When we practice to conceal carry it is important to not just simply point our weapons downrange, aim, and fire. We also need to prepare for events, encounters, and situations where we might encounter a situation where we will need…

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Travel Awareness & the “Gray Man” Concept

Travel Awareness & the “Gray Man” Concept When I did my concealed carry holster training one of the key things I was taught and cautioned was this: people live in three levels of awareness and you should be a gray man. 3 Colors of Situational Awareness 1) Green – this is a level where a…

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How to Teach Your Daughter to Shoot: 5 Steps

teach your daughter how to shoot

How to Teach Your Daughter to Shoot: 5 Steps Do you teach your daughter many lessons? Many of you are parents—and some of you have daughters. My step-father once told me about the birth of his only child, my stepsister, that when the doctor placed her in his arms the day she was born, he…

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